
제목  Asia Private Equity Forum 2018 개최 안내 구분 외부
등록일 2017-11-24 조회수 20353

홍콩벤처캐피탈협회(HKVCA)에서는 다음과 같이 Asia Private Equity Forum 2018을 개최하오니 회원사   
제위의 많은 관심과 참석 부탁 드립니다.  
                                                       -  다       음 -  

1. 행 사 명 : Asia Private Equity Forum 2018
2. 일     시 : 2018년 1월 17일(수), 08:30~ 05:30
3. 주     관 : 홍콩벤처캐피탈협회
4. 장     소 : S421, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Old Wing), 1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
5. 내     용 : 홍콩 정부관계자 및 중국, 인도, 인도네시아 등 아시아 주요국들의 투자전문가 초청,  
                  기업대상투자유치방법 및 사모펀드 투자가 대상 중요한 이슈사항들을 포럼을 통해 전달  
6. 규     모 : 아시아VC/PE 전문가 550상 참가예정  
7. 참 가 비 : Standard rate 에서 20% 할인
8. 참가방법 : 온라인(http://apef.hkvca.com.hk/registration/) 접수 또는 이메일(APEF@hkvca.com.hk) 접수
                   * 접수시 "APEF-KVCA" 입력  
8. 문      의 : Alfred Lam, alam@hkvca.com.hk, (852) 2167 7377

※기타 자세한 사항은 http://apef.hkvca.com.hk/ 사이트를 참고하시기 바랍니다.  




The Asia Private Equity Forum (APEF), a major industry event with a global footprint, is organized annually by the Hong Kong Venture Capital and Private Equity Association (HKVCA), Asia's oldest and largest private equity industry association. APEF 2018, as in previous years, will form part of the Hong Kong Government's international financial week, which includes the Asian Financial Forum to be held on the 15th and 16th of January, 2018 and will be held at the same venue.


APEF 2018 will feature more than 80 speakers and panelists representing limited partners, investors, advisors and consultants. Leading industry practitioners will address key issues facing investors in Asia's high-performing private markets, including those of China, India, Southeast Asia, Japan and Korea. Discussions will cover such topics as co-investments, fundraising and investor relations, private debt, private equity real estate, secondaries, value creation and venture capital.


 As many as 700 persons attended APEF 2017, more than half of whom were partners and C-suite executives. And with the dynamism that continues to be a hallmark of the industry, it is expected APEF 2018 will attract an even greater audience. Speakers from the limited partner sector will include leading figures from Asia Alternatives, CPPIB, Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan, Public Officials Benefit Association of Korea, and The Church Pension Fund. General partner professionals representing Advent International, Bain Capital, Baring Private Equity Asia, Blackstone, KKR and Morgan Stanley, as well as representatives from APAC Advisors, First Bridge Strategy and Shearman & Sterling, will also be speaking.


Details of the Asia Private Equity Forum 2018 are as follow: 


Date : 17 January 2018(Wed)
Time : 8:30 am – 5:30 pm followed by cocktail reception
Venue : S421, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (Old Wing), 1 Expo Drive, Wan Chai, Hong Kong 

첨부파일  |     파일 APEF 2018.pdf
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